
ഒരു ജനത അനശ്വരമാക്കിയ മഹാ സംസ്കൃതിയുടെ ഓര്‍മ്മപ്പെടുത്തലും അവാച്യമായ സൗന്ദര്യത്തോടെ അവര്‍ അതിനോട് കാണിക്കുന്ന പ്രണയവും പ്രതിബദ്ധ്തയുമാണ് സുമയുടെ ആധാരം. അതുകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ നമ്മളെ അറിയുന്നതിനും അറിയിക്കുന്നതിനും ഈ ബുള്ളറ്റിന്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കാം. ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടേതാണ് - ഇവിടെ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് എന്തും കുറിക്കാം. കഥകളും കവിതകളും കുറിപ്പുകളും എല്ലാം. മലയാളി സമൂഹത്തെ അറിയിക്കാനുള്ള എലാ വാര്‍ത്തകളും ഇതില്‍ പോസ്റ്റ്‌ ചെയ്യാം. പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടവരുടെ വേര്‍പാടും വിവാഹവും ഒക്കെ. സാരംഗി പറയട്ടെ, സാന്‍ അന്റോണിയോ മലയാളിയുടെ നല്ല വിശേഷങ്ങള്‍

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Health Expo 2014

SUMA Health Expo

Dear Community Members, It was with great pride we announced the Health Expo to the community. It went very well. On this occasion SUMA Smart Initiatives (SUMA training programs) was officially launched by Fr. Mathews George. The idea behind SUMA Smart Initiatives is to have a series of training and discussion programs, dealing with important challenges facing our society. These include - -Importance of goal setting for youth and children -Career planning -Importance of soft skill development in achieving success and its practical sessions -Understanding internet security and how children use internet -Leadership training programs -Successful parenting -Financial planning for families and individuals, just to name a few. Experts from our community will be addressing these issues. Health expo was definitely the curtain raiser. All those who participated in Health Expo enjoyed it well. The program started with a talk by Dr. Cecily which was very informative. She focused on what to eat to keep ourselves healthy, age wise and calorie wise. The next presentation was done by Dr. Awilda Ramos. It mainly focused on Pediatric Obesity - what our youth and children eat and the health effects of our eating habits. Ms. Juby Thayil then gave an insight on drugs and health. She specifically focused on the pros and cons of weight loss drugs. Ms. Reema Mavelil’s talk was on ergonomics. She demonstrated correct posters for our daily life to avoid back pain and other kinds of ailments. You could see that it covered all topics connected with Health. I am very happy to say that many people joined the SUMA weight loss challenge on the day. Now our total numbers of participants are 22. You are also welcome to participate in this challenge during our next event. Mail me for more information @ The other activities of the day were Yoga and Zumba. Yoga coach Simrit and Dr. Awilda Ramos led these sessions. SUMA arranged healthy snacks for the event. It was an excellent experience. I extend all credits for this event to Cecily aunty and team. We met at least three times physically and lots of times virtually to plan this event. Thanks to Dr. Raju, Ms. Maya Parappuram and Ms. Lucy Chacko for the incredible advice you shared at the planning sessions. SUMA would like to organize a follow-up to this community health initiative, by organizing a marathon. This program is scheduled as below- Date - Saturday, May 03, 2014. Time - Start by 9.30 am sharp Venue - Assemble at Leon Park Vista Trails, 8561 Rochelle Rd. Mark this day on your calendar and join the community for another day of fun, exercise and bonding.


  1. Bijo and team,
    It was a good program. I congratulate you for conducting worthy programs like this.

  2. We enjoyed listening to and participating in all of the programs. Hope to have more programs like this in the future.

  3. The information that was presented really were eye-openers, especially about food and diet. It was a great discussion.

  4. It was nice to sign up for the weight loss challenge. Health is an ignored aspect of us malayalees. I hope to participate in more health based activities of SUMA. Best wishes.


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